Can turtles eat green beans?

Can turtles eat green beans? If so, how much? Here is the answer!

Green beans are a great source of many vitamins and other precious nutrients for the organism of human beings. It serves as a good substitute to potatoes, rice, noodles, and many other additions to dinners. However, since it is a vegetable that is very healthy for us humans, can the turtle eat green beans as well?

Well, yes it can! Turtles do eat green beans and it does not pose any serious danger to their health and life. As long as we treat it as a temporary substitute or, even better, an interesting additive that enriches the turtle’s diet – not a permanent element without which the pet’s dietary plan will be lacking some crucial vitamins and minerals. 

So, how does eating green beans influence the turtle’s tummy? What good can it bring? Are there any downsides of eating green beans by our beloved reptiles? I am more than certain that there have been quite a lot of questions regarding this piece of vegetable -> Do turtles eat Corn?. As a long time turtle owner and a person that tried out a wide range of different supplementations for my own turtles, I have some answers for you. 

There are quite a lot of advantages of eating green beans by your turtles

But let me start from things I love about green beans. As you know, in a 100g portion of this vegetable, there is a very low number of total fat – it’s only 0.2g, which is great. Why? Because a low-fat diet is something we wish to get for our turtle. Another great thing to concern is the addition of Vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium. All these vitamins and minerals are of utmost importance for the proper development of a turtle’s body. 

What is more, the product is also filled with carotene alpha, beta, as well as the Vitamin B group – including Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Another advantage of green beans is quite a large number of dietary fiber, which is 2.7g per the 100g portion. It means that if we find our turtle struggling to empty his belly, this might help him with his bowel movements. All in all, here is a list of all advantages that feeding green beans to your turtle has:

  • A lot of vitamins – including the ones from group B;
  • Plenty of minerals;
  • Large number of dietary fiber per 100g portion;
  • Low in fat – only 0.2g of total fat per 100g portion.

However, remember about the downsides as well!

Sadly, every rose has its thorns. And in the case of green beans, these thorns are inadequate calcium to phosphorus ratio. As we all know, the appropriate ratio of these two minerals is 2:1. It means that for every 1 gram of phosphorus, the dietary plan should have 2 grams of calcium. It all revolves around the fact that calcium is crucial for the appropriate development of bones. Without it, the turtle will fall ill and our goal, as a responsible turtle owner, is to keep the reptile in the best condition it is possible.

If you want to avoid the illness known as MBD (metabolic bone disease), you have to provide your turtle with large amounts of calcium and phosphorus that is approximately half of the calcium intake. Only then will you be able to guarantee the appropriate growth of the turtle. Some people may ask why is this 2:1 ratio so important. Well, it is all due to the fact that phosphorus is very important. However, too much of it is not beneficial. To say more, it is harmful to our turtles, because too much phosphorus prevents turtles from absorbing calcium.

  • Inappropriate calcium to phosphorus ratio – 1.2:1 instead of 2:1.

What species of turtles are known to eat green beans?

As far as species are concerned, I have good news. If you wonder whether a box turtle can eat green beans or any other species, then the answer is that each and every species is safe while eating green beans. Obviously if we take into account the fact that it is only a dietary addition and not a replacement or even a major element of a new diet. 

However, it is said that the most common species of turtle that eats green beans is RES, namely red eared sliders. These guys are very into green beans. Obviously, in any case we have to remember to not overfeed your turtle, because the ones kept in captivity are prone to obesity and some other health issues.

How to prepare green beans for your turtle?

Luckily for us, we don’t have to do anything to make green beans edible – at least for the turtles. You can serve raw green beans to your pet – as long as you carefully wash it and get rid of all the unnecessary extras that can be found with green beans. Obviously, keep in mind that your turtle should receive a small amount of this vegetable – especially if this is the first time you feed it with the beans. 

Bear in mind that it is a bad idea to season green beans or add anything else. Besides that, trimming them is not necessary. Nonetheless, there is nothing wrong in doing that if you feel like the outer layer of green beans is not as fresh as it was the day you bought it.

What about other types of veggies? 

Interestingly, a lot of people believe that beans belong to a very small group of vegetables that turtles can eat. Well, it is surely difficult to find something even further from the truth. Especially, if you take a closer look at nutritional values of many different vegetables available out there -> Can yout turtle eat tomatoes?. Besides green beans, you turtle can also eat kales and broccoli. They contain a lot of water, which is quite crucial for the pet, as well as fiber, vitamins, and other minerals. Besides that, we should also look for other alternatives like, for example, peas, squash, collard greens, celery (did you feed your turtle celery ? check out do they can eat celery without problems), or even cucumber. Most of them are great for hydration and metabolism improvement purposes. 

Can turtles eat green beans

Now you know whether turtles can eat green beans!

Finding the right answer as far as eating habits of your turtle is concerned does not belong to the easiest things to do. As we all know, the lack of numerous vitamins or minerals can be quite dangerous to the health and even life of your turtle. As a result, making sure that your pet receives all the nutrients it needs is of utmost importance.

Luckily for you, turtles love a lot of different meals. Obviously, these creatures can eat green beans and they like it. However, we have to remember that this vegetable should be treated as an addition to a regular dietary plan, not a replacement for some elements. Only then will we be able to ensure its safety and healthiness. 

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