Can turtles get high?

The possibility for your turtle to get high is definitely quite high. You see, there are dozens of different stimulating agents out there, in the animal kingdom. As a result, many different species tend to enjoy get high. Some use locoweed or alcohol, others shrooms or even urine. In terms of turtles, there are several sources of your turtle to get high. However, is it one of the natural prey of these reptiles, namely jellyfish? Not really. 

However, there is more to add about that topic. People believe a lot of rumors and that is the reason why there are many different articles that debunk myths and show turtle owners the truth behind the subject. I spent dozens of hours figuring out the best way for our turtles to get high. Obviously, it was very important to learn all the science behind it, so you can understand how it all works. 

What are the main sources of getting high by our turtles?

Before I start with some examples, it is imperative for you to understand how it all works. You see, turtles are equipped with cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2, which means that they can be stimulated by a number of different hallucinogens that may contain THC. This organic compound is known as Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. As you can guess, it is one of the ingredients we can find in marijuana plants (can turtles enjoy eating iceberg lettuce). The main goal of this compound is to release dopamine, which in turn is the reason most human beings, after they ingest it, feel a sense of euphoria.

Interestingly, there are more than 60 different cannabinoid compounds in the marijuana plant, but only THC grants psychoactive effects. Sadly, I scattered a huge number of pages of different kinds in order to find any scientific sources on how cannabis may affect turtles. The truth is that there are no proven studies that show positive or negative effects of getting high via cannabis by our turtles.

Still, even if there is no real evidence of how impactul getting high really is, the very fact that turtles are equipped with the above-mentioned cannabinoid receptors mean they can definitely get high with the use of any food that contains cannabinoids. It can be not only marijuana, but also black truffles, cacao, and even black pepper. 

Obviously, the amounts of THC included in there are not the highest. As a result, you would have to feed your turtle with quite a lot of truffles and other meals seasoned with black pepper. Nonetheless, I do not encourage anyone doing that because of a simple reason – such a diet will most likely cause huge health problems or even lead to permanent damage, and even death. 

Does the turtle feel the same as we do? Main effects of hallucinogens on turtles

We are not going to witness much once our turtle is under the effect of THC. It is mainly because of the fact these animals are not too expressive. Unlike humans, they are not going to walk backward or do unpredictable things. What is more, we will not see red eyes or other visible body changes. 

However, it is possible to notice small differences in their behavior. However, these will be insignificant. It is possible to notice lethargy or even drowsiness. Still, we have to keep in mind that each turtle is different and as a pet owner, we should be able to distinguish slight changes in behavior. 

Can turtles get high

Are jellyfishes the reason sea turtles can get high?

These marine animals have umbrella-shaped bells and tentacles. For people, jellyfish is a very dangerous animal mainly due to its poisonous venom. However, that is not the case as far as turtle diet is concerned. You see, because of different physiques and some selected characteristics, most sea turtles are well prepared to deal with jellyfishes and its dangerous defense mechanisms.

First of all, sea turtles are equipped with spike-like projections of keratin, which are known as papillae. It points towards the stomach, making it easier for our pets to capture the food. Besides that, they help in reducing the impact of jellyfish’s stings. Furthermore, beaks of sea turtles are much more durable, thicker, and sharper than in the case of freshwater turtles. As a result, they have no problems whatsoever in getting through the gooey body of a jellyfish. 

Venom inside these marine animals is dangerous, right? Well, surely to humans. However, thanks to different construction of stomachs, sea turtles do not have to worry about being affected by poisons. As a result of that, they are able to transform the poison into something much more pleasant. Due to that, many people believe that this pleasant sensation turtles feel is something very similar to what people feel when they get high.

Interestingly enough, there is a one species of sea turtles that just love eating jellyfishes. Green Sea Turtles are one of the biggest consumers of these marine animals and, as a result, they are capable of feeling the sensation of “getting high” every day since they eat several jellyfish each day.

Turtles do get high, and it may happen in a number of ways!

As you can see, there is a high probability that a wild sea turtle will get high. Nevertheless, such a situation will happen rather rarely when it comes to pet turtles. It is all due to the fact that we should provide our pet with an appropriate dietary plan in order to keep it safe from any dangerous diseases and ailments.

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