Can turtles live on land?

If you have a turtle, you may wonder whether it can live only in the water or maybe it is possible for these animals to live on land, too. I would like to assure you that the answer to your question is yes, turtles definitely can live on land. Since I own a turtle myself and I’m interested in their breeding, I decided to combine my personal experience with scientific journals as well as with all the courses I have attended so far. Due to this, you may be certain that all the information you’ll find here is based on reliable sources. 

Obviously, we need to differentiate aquatic turtles from land turtles

Despite the fact that turtles do live on land, it depends on the species. Therefore, we can distinguish land turtles and aquatic ones. Land turtles spend most of their life on land whereas aquatic ones definitely prefer living in the water. However, it’s necessary to point out that even land turtles need some access to water as it helps them stay hydrated as well as regulate their body temperature.

First of all, let’s focus on land turtles

If you have such one, you are to keep it in some kind of an enclosure with tall walls that are impossible to be broken by your turtle. Remember to put this enclosure indoors if you live in a cold place. What’s more, it’s important to use some soil, rocks and dirt while preparing your turtle’s place. Your pet will definitely appreciate your efforts since it really enjoys digging. In addition, turtles love hiding and burrowing in logs and sticks, so think about it.

As I mentioned before, land turtles also need some water and moisturizing, therefore, you can add some wet soil, mud as well as rotting leaves to your pet’s habitat. If you are wondering why it is so crucial, I would love to answer that. It’s of huge significance to create such an environment and a very similar experience to what it’s like in the wild. Furthermore, turtles need some humidity, so you may increase it and use a spray to moisten the air.

What’s also worth mentioning, you have to avoid a glass enclosure since glass heats up when the temperature is high and it will harm your beloved animal.

Another type of turtles are aquatic ones

In comparison to land turtles, these animals need to be put in a tank instead of an enclosure without water. It should be like that to guarantee some water to swim. Remember that it ought to be at least five times the maximum length that your turtle will grow to. There should be water more than two and a half times the turtle’s length.

Aquatic turtles need to have some stretch of dry land or a larger rock in its tank. As far as rocks are concerned, you have to make sure that they aren’t too small to fit your pet’s mouth. These turtles like eating rocks but it can cause many digestive problems. You’d better avoid such a situation. Additionally, your pet definitely needs clean filtered water for drinking and swimming.

Can turtles live on land

How come land is crucial for turtles?

Both land and water are crucial for turtles. If you want to delve deeper into the importance of living on land, there are some reasons why it’s so vital.

  1. Nesting – turtles lay their eggs on land although they mate in the sea. To do so, they dig 18-inch holes in the ground. The number of eggs is incredibly high since it’s from 50 to even 100 eggs in one hole.
  2. Ease in breathing – it’s vital to know that your turtle cannot breathe in the water, therefore, it needs to go offshore.
  3. Foraging for terrestrial turtles – some species of turtles come to the surface to find some food. They usually eat insects, berries and plants.
  4. Basking – turtles can live on land to stay in sunlight. They simply love basking in the sun. UV light is also important for their health as it provides turtles with essential Vitamin D.
  5. Hibernation – you have to bear in mind that your turtle may hibernate on land. It happens when the temperature drops rapidly. In such a situation, these animals dig a 10-inch hole in the ground and they simply bury themselves to warm their bodies.

What about water? Is it necessary for all the species?

All the turtles are the so-called ectothermic animals. It means they are cold-blooded, therefore, they are unable to maintain their body temperature. Unlike humans, these cute creatures cannot sweat or manage body temperature internally. Water is a perfect place where turtles can maintain their ideal temperature. Different turtle species need water more or less, however, it’s still an integral part of their lives.

Even when the surface of some water tank freezes in winter, turtles simply hibernate at the very bottom of a pond because the water below the ice is known to be much warmer than the surface itself. What’s more, turtles need water to hydrate.

Now you know whether your turtle can live on land!

Having read all the information in this article, you can be sure that your turtle definitely can live on land. Of course, there is a wide range of aspects you have to take into account, however, if you love your pet, it shouldn’t be a problem to follow some rules.

All you need to know is the difference between land and aquatic turtles, how they function on land and in the water and what the benefits of living on land are. Moreover, it’s advisable to get familiar with the significance of water when it comes to your land animal.

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