Can turtles live without their shell?

Shells that turtles and tortoises have may look, at first glance, as an additional coverage and a protection that can be easily detached and changed whenever the reptile wants. However, that is not correct. Seeing a turtle without a shell is something not possible. At least while it is still alive. You see, turtles cannot live without their shells. If someone sees one without it, then the view will not be nice for sure.

You see, shells are much more important to turtles than most people can imagine. This is an indispensable part of their body. In fact, these reptiles cannot live without it even for a second. That is why every shell you see on a turtle is permanent. This is their protection and, at the same time, their body organ. But what exactly are these shields? What is the real reason for turtles to hold such a gigantic and heavy piece on their back? 

Before I purchased my first turtle I was also filled with all the questions regarding their anatomy and the purpose of these shells. Now, after years of being a turtle owner and after an abundance of papers I read about these body parts, I can offer you some answers. In this article I will briefly talk about the shell itself. However, I will show you the differences between shells of turtles and tortoises, say a few things about what purposes it meets, and talk about the most common troubles as far as turtles’ shells are concerned. 

How crucial is a shell for your turtle?

In the case of turtles and tortoises, the shells are quite similar because they grow in a similar manner. You see, when turtles are hatched, they already possess a type of shell. Obviously, the hatchlings have a very thin and weak shell. However, as they grow older, the shell becomes harder, thicker, and provides them with more and more protection. The durability that shell offers is one of its kind as far as reptiles are concerned. 

Nonetheless, it is much more than just a protection. You see, their shells are fused with their backbone (Do turtles really have backbone?) with a number of different connections. As a result, it is impossible to detach a shell from a turtle without causing them incredible pain. 

Another important thing to remember is that turtles or tortoises do not grow out of their shells. On the contrary – as the reptile grows, the shell grows with them. It is mainly because of the fact that it receives a number of different vitamins and minerals. Interestingly, one of the main ingredients of the shell is keratin. The same compound that can be found in humans’ nails or hair. 

Shell is a part of their body

Shell can be divided into two parts, the carapace and plastron. The carapace is the top part of the shell. Many people believe that it is a turtle’s back. And it can definitely be considered as such, since it is fused with a spine and, beneath that, there are other organs hidden from dangers. Plastron is the bottom part of the shell and it is also known as turtle’s belly. 

Many researchers and biologists believe that a turtle’s shell should be considered as the body part or even an organ. It is not only because of its huge importance and the connection to the spine itself. Another reason behind such an approach is the fact that the shell is full of nerves. It means that every time we touch a turtle’s shell, it can feel it. 

Different types of shells for different uses

Did you know the shells of turtles and tortoises vary and they vary quite significantly? Obviously, it doesn’t mean that they have an extraordinary look or they are not similar at all. It means that their shells differ in many terms – starting from its shape, thickness, and ending on its size. The main reason for such a thing is the different environment they have to cope in.

For example, the survival of large tortoises is mainly dictated by the plants, fruits, and insects they find. From time to time they may hunt frogs, snails, but that’s it. Aquatic turtles, on the other hand, stay underwater for a longer period of time. Therefore, they have to be more agile. Furthermore, their shell has to be as aerodynamic as it is possible. Because of that, turtles’ shells are of different shapes and sizes. Furthermore, they are not as thick as the ones of tortoises.

To make things even more interesting, some turtles’ shells are even less durable than one would think. A great example is the shell of a leatherback sea turtle. Obviously, the back is covered with a shell. Nonetheless, there are no scales on there. What is more, it is very soft. There are some dermal bones beneath the skin. Nonetheless, it is incredibly soft when compared to tortoises or even other sea turtles.

It is mainly due to the fact that these reptiles dive on huge depths while searching for prey. As a result, the pressure so deep underneath the surface of water would damage their shell. Thanks to softer and much thinner shells, they can dive without worrying about any damage caused by high pressure. 

Can turtles live without their shell

What happens if your turtle has a broken shell?

Turtles are surely one of the animals that serve as a menu for predators. As a result, they have to be careful all the time. Luckily for them, in most cases a shell is enough to repel a potential threat. However, sometimes predators, while attempting to hunt the turtle down, may damage the carapace. Such an injury will cause extreme amounts of pain because, as I already stated, there are many nerves in the shell. The animals can cause cracks or even pull some parts of the shell off. 

If such a situation happens, the turtle will definitely feel a lot of pain. Nonetheless, if the injury is not too serious, it will most likely live. However, we have to remember that any shell damage can result in serious consequences as far as their health and life is concerned. For example, inappropriately taken care of, turtles with a broken shell can develop the so-called shell rot. It is a bacteria that slowly eats away the shell. Besides that, we have to remember about metabolic bone disease. 

How fast can a shell repair itself?

Luckily for the turtles as well as their owners, turtles can repair themselves with time. It takes quite a long period to get the shell in a perfect condition. Sometimes it is even impossible. However, to some extent the wounds can heal up, so the turtle doesn’t feel such enormous pain all the time. Furthermore, with time the wounds will no longer pose threats to previously mentioned diseases. 

To make sure the turtle’s shell is healing as quickly as possible, it is necessary to provide your turtle with as much keratin as it is possible having in mind the maximum amounts of this protein. Another way of helping out the turtle is providing it with as much Vitamin D as possible, because it is also quite an important element for the proper growth and development of the turtle’s shell.

Generally speaking, there is not much we can do as an owner to facilitate the damaged shell. Nonetheless, we have to remember that in the case we find a turtle with a broken shell or something bad happened to our own pet, then it is mandatory for you to visit a veterinary specialist. You see, even the smallest cracks can translate into huge problems and, therefore, result in a serious threat to your turtle’s health or even life.

Now you know if your turtle will live without its shell! 

Shells are surely a vital part of turtles’ lives. They cannot live without them. You cannot separate it from a turtle. And if you try, you will cause tremendous pain that will soon end in the death of the animal. It is considered to be a vital organ, since turtles’ shells are connected with their spine. 

These body parts grow together with the reptiles, so if you heard that they lose it to find another, larger one, then it is most definitely a false statement. Keep in mind that in spite of its durability, shells of turtles can get damaged. And it the shell is broken, it may lead to serious diseases that will threaten your pet’s life. 

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