Do turtles blink?

For human beings, blinking is a natural phenomenon – simply this is how our body is created. Thanks to blinking, we are able to moisturize the surface of the eye and remove any dirt or bacteria from the eyeball. However, is it as standard and typical behavior for turtles as it is for us? That is a question I am asked quite often.

The short answer is yes, turtles do really blink. However, there might be some exceptions from this rule. Out of hundreds of different turtle species, there are several ones that do not blink. Still, it is highly likely that your own pet is blinking. You just need to observe it for a long time – eventually it will blink.

But why do turtles blink? What is the reason behind turtles’ blinking? Today, in this article. I would like to present you some answers, so you can understand your pet a bit better and be familiar with its natural responses and natural behavior. Besides that, I will also tell you some of the more popular turtles that are not blinking, so you don’t have to worry that something is wrong with your pet if it doesn’t blink. 

Why do turtles blink?

Both humans and turtles blink for the same reasons – they try to keep their eyes moisturized and, at the same time, keep it safe from dirt and other objects that would try to get in there. Interestingly, turtles have three eyelids, which is something unusual, because most animals have only 2 eyelids. It helps them protect the eyeball from dangers. 

Obviously, blinking helps in removing any dangerous objects, but there is more. You see, because turtles remove excess salt via tears, blinking helps them in keeping their eyeball at bay. Still, blinking may also be a sign that something is wrong with our turtle. Especially if we are sure that our turtle blinked before and it does not belong to the subspecies that do not do that. 

Snapping turtles do not blink!

If you have a snapping turtle as a pet, then you don’t have to worry. This species does not blink at all. There hasn’t been a lot of legitimate information about the reasons why snapping turtles do not blink. Noteworthy is the fact that this subspecies evolved in a way it differs quite significantly from regular turtles. For example, they do not retract to their shells. What is more, their shell is not the best layer of defense. Instead, the best defense is a good offense and, to apply such an adage, they are one of the most aggressive turtles out there.

Because of many different behavioral and biological changes, it is possible that blinking is no longer required to keep their eyes safe or, simply, they do not blink when facing danger. That is also the possibility that some researchers take into account. Anyhow, if you do not witness snapping turtles blinking, do not worry as it is a perfectly normal phenomenon. 

Do turtles blink?

Excessive blinking – how to help a turtle?

If your turtle blinks quite rapidly or does it excessively, then it might be a symptom of a disease or an illness. This is a simple indication that there might be some irritation to the turtle’s eyeball. Furthermore, they may blink because of any foreign objects that got stuck in their eyes. Still, there are some other reasons why your turtle keeps blinking.

First of all, change the water 

If you keep your pet turtle in the tank where the water hasn’t been changed for quite a long time, then excessive blinking is probably caused because of the contaminants that can be found in the water. Interestingly, the surface can be clear and there might be no visible sediment. Nonetheless, the number of different chemical elements and compounds that turtles emit change the parameters of the water. This results in many different negative effects and, obviously, eye irritation and other troubles of this kind are one of them.

Ammonia build up is probably one of the simplest reasons that your turtle blinks excessively. Obviously, it is just one of many different reasons, but make sure that the water in the tank is changed at appropriate intervals. Besides that, you should also monitor the water, checking its temperature, filtration efficiency, pH, and many other attributes. That is the best way to make sure that your turtle stays in a safe and healthy habitat.

If that doesn’t help, call a vet

If you did change the water in your turtle’s tank and it keeps blinking too often, then it may be the symptom of another illness or disease. As a result, you should call a vet and ask what you should do. Most often there will be some type of antibiotics or other eye drops that will facilitate the process of cleaning the eyeball. Nonetheless, if you don’t want to impair the vision of your pet, do not wait too long.

Now you know if your turtle can blink!

Yes, turtles do really blink. It is quite a straightforward question. However, there are some exceptions, out of which snapping turtles is the most popular one. If you have any other reptile, then it is more than certain that such a turtle should blink. Still, excessive blinking is not a good sign, because it may be the result of eyeball irritations or other troubles that your turtle is dealing with. 

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