Do turtles Eat Frogs

Quite often people see that vendors tend to keep a wide range of animal species in the same tank. However, even if the supplier does that, it doesn’t mean that you should do that just as well. Quite often different combinations of animals can hunt each other. And even if it is possible for some of the species to coexist in the wild, home conditions and terrariums tend to change that dynamics among animals. And that is what is going on with turtles and frogs.

So, if you wonder whether your turtles can be dangerous to frogs or other amphibians, then the short answer is yes. However, there is more to know about that topic, so you are more than welcome to read the following article. There, we discuss not only the question whether the turtles eat frogs or not, but also look at selected species of turtles to see how likely it is that it starts the hunt. What is more, we also look at different locations where we place turtles and frogs, so we can analyze whether keeping turtles and frogs inside the terrarium or outside, in the ponds, helps. 

In home conditions, your turtle will almost always attack frogs

I’m saying almost, because there are several exceptions to that rule. First of all, we need to bear in mind that there are some species of frogs that can be quite large. And even if they are still no match for most turtles, they will most likely attack and try to eat them – especially the hatchiling ones. There are several species that can attack and even win a fight with a turtle. A great example are horned frogs and bullfrogs. These can be as large as 8 inches in length.

As you can guess, if a big frog encounters a small turtle – a hatchling or a very young turtle that comes from a smaller species – then it will most likely become its meal. Nonetheless, it happens quite rarely, so we should not be afraid of that. Much more dangerous is an opposite situation, where your frog is smaller than a turtle. In that case, asking questions like can turtles eat toads is absolutely justified.

First of all, if we have a turtle that is bigger or a similar size as a frog, and they are at the same time closed in confined space, then there is a huge probability the turtle will start attacking the frog. As a result, the frog will look for ways to hide from the aggressor. Nonetheless, since they are both predators, they will compete for the same food. Obviously, frogs may fight back and try to harm turtles (did you know why turtles slap each other?) . Nonetheless, their robust armor in the form of shells will make it much more difficult for frogs to do anything to turtles. 

So, what about specific species? Will they eat frogs?

There are dozens of different species of turtles that people love keeping as pets. Usually, most of these animals have the same approach to frogs and would definitely think about eating them. Nonetheless, there are some small differences that I believe should be taken into account before making plans about purchasing frogs as either a companion for our pet or its future meal.

Do Painted Turtles Eat Frogs? 

Yes, this species of turtles is quite interested in eating frogs. It is noteworthy that younglings are much more into meat than the adult variants. As a result, it is possible for these turtles to eat frogs. Nonetheless, this is not their “biggest supplier” of protein, because they are more into smaller insects. 

Can Snapping Turtles Eat Frogs? 

Snapping turtles are known as to be one of the most aggressive species of turtles and, therefore, are more likely to attack. We should also differentiate traditional snapping turtles from alligator snapping turtles. However, both versions of this species eat frogs. They are called snapping because due to their poor shell, they cannot count on that as the ultimate layer of defense. Instead, they perceive almost everything as food or a threat. So, to make sure they are safe, they try to “snap” almost anything they portray as a threat.

What about Box Turtles and Frogs? 

Omnivorous behavior is quite strong in this one. It means that they will be eating almost anything they can find within their grasp. As a result, it includes everything from insects, worms, bugs, through plants, and ending on some larger animals like amphibians – including frogs. 

Will Aquatic Turtles Eat Frogs as well? 

Aquatic turtles are animals that feel great in the water. As a result of that, they can be faster than most frogs in their element. It means that frogs will most likely be attacked by aquatic turtles. Though this is not their primary source of food, they will definitely treat frogs as a meal as long as they are kept together. 

Also, check out whether your Red Eared Slider Turtles will Eat Frogs!

This is quite a popular species of turtle and many people think of them as a perfect pet due to their high tolerance to different conditions (including various temperature ranges, pH, etc). However, since they are the sub-species of aquatic turtles, they are great at water and like to hunt on maritime animals. Though it mainly includes smaller fish, they also tend to treat frogs as a great meal substitute.

Do turtles Eat Frogs

So, can you put frogs in with turtles? 

As for food, yes. As a companion? Not so much. However, all is not yet lost. Though we do not recommend doing that, there is a possibility for you to keep turtles and frogs in the same tank. However, it is not an ideal solution, because sooner or later one pet will attack another. Young turtles, hatchlings, are not as well-equipped and robust to prey on frogs. And if our frogs are not greater than turtles, they will not attack them either. However, bear in mind that it will surely be a stressful situation. Sadly, frogs are not as well prepared for dealing with them as turtles are. 

There is a great compromise as far as keeping these pets together. However, it may not be the perfect solution for some of you, because it does not include a local, home terrarium, but a pond. You see, if you keep these animals in a greater area with much more diverse vegetation that will at the same time help frogs stay hidden from titles, then it will be much easier for you to keep both species alive and, what is even more important, well. 

Can turtles eat frogs? Now you know!

As you can see, there are many different reasons why choosing frogs for your turtle as tank mates is not ideal. Though it is possible to find a perfect balance and even keep frogs and turtles alive in one container, you are better off choosing different animals. Yes, turtles can eat toads and frogs, and they will surely do it if your favorite pet is at least of the same size as frogs. 

Still, you don’t have to worry about that, because there are many other alternatives. In that way you can keep your turtle safe and sound, and at the same time do not worry about other inhabitants “disappearing” after a while. What is more, it brings many other benefits like, for example, ensuring the natural appearance of the tank, keeping it a bit cleaner, and even taking care of the turtle’s natural instincts.

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