Do turtles have backbones?

Here is what you need to know!

Did you know that the shell we can find on all types of turtles and tortoises is one of their organs? It is an indispensable part of their body and, as a result, they need to protect it at all costs. However, their shell is located in a place where most animals usually have their backbone. As a result, people often ask whether turtles have backbone or not.

The answer is yes, turtles do have backbones. Just like all other reptiles, turtles are classified into vertebrates. As a result, they have spinal columns or backbones. Nevertheless, the location of the backbone in the case of turtles is quite interesting. you see, not everyone knows that the backbone of a turtle is the combination of two parts – the outer layer and the inner one. The outer part, known as the exoskeleton, is simply their shell. Beneath that, there is an endoskeleton, which is made of bones. Both parts are connected to each other via rib cage and, obviously, the spine.

However, what else should you know about these pets’ backbones? What are the most common myths that people spread? Today I would like to clear some things and to do that, I will use the entirety of my experience as a pet expert and an amateur pet specialist with 25 years of experience in the field. 

First, let’s have a look at the turtles’ backbone from the biological point of view

Though some of you may find it boring, it is quite interesting to learn how turtles’ backbones look like and what makes them so special or, at least, different from other reptiles or even animals. First of all, we have to remember that the shell is one of the most important parts of the turtle. It is their organ and, as one, it is heavily supplied with blood. It means that they can sense every touch. 

And here comes the first myth that I have to bust. Some people think that it is possible for turtles to lose their shell and to live without it or, even better, find another one. Sadly, that is not the case. You can’t just remove such a vital organ and look for another one. Especially, if it is connected to your backbone. There are hundreds of thousands or even more neurolink connections and, as such, shells are of utmost importance to turtles.

Turtles’ shells are fused with their spines in more than just one way. You see, their ribs, shoulder blades, and some other bones are inherently fused with the shell. Obviously, we need to remember that spine and shell are considered separate despite its numerous connections.

How important is the connection of turtles’ shells with their backbones?

From the biological point of view and the information you gathered from the previous paragraph, this connection is quite important. You see, it is impossible to remove a shell, since you would have to detach this piece of animal from the myriad of bones, muscles, and other elements. Doing it without extreme pain and sudden death of an animal is not possible.

The connection itself is vital, but so is the shell itself. You see, it is the primary line of defense, so if they feel threatened or if they sense a predator, they simply hide their extremities together with their head into the shell. Surely, it is not a perfect protection. However, that’s more than enough against most predators that could hunt on these creatures. 

Obviously, turtles’ shell keeps the backbone safe, which makes it very difficult for other animals to damage it. As a result, the spinal cord as well as all other crucial body parts are kept safe all the time.

Do turtles have backbones

Can a turtle live without its shell?

As it was stated earlier on, a shell is inherently connected with the backbone. Also, it works as an exoskeleton. It is basically an organ, a living tissue. Though it is incredibly sturdy (mainly due to a protein called keratin), we cannot forget about the fact that it can be damaged. And if damaged badly, a turtle may not recover from such an injury. 

Luckily for these reptiles, it is possible to recover some of the injuries that they may have sustained in the previous encounters with wild animals. It is a living tissue after all. Therefore, if the damage is not deep and it does not endanger the life of the animal, sooner or later the shell will return to its previous condition. 

To sum up, turtles cannot live without a shell, because it is a part of their body. And even if it is not their backbone, there are dozens of connections that cannot be severed without killing the animal. 

Interesting facts about turtles’ spines

There are a lot of interesting trivias as far as the turtles’ backbone is concerned and I would like to share them with you, so you can better understand these reptiles and how they function.

Shells are protective organs

The shell is considered to be a living organ, so it has nerves, blood supply, and tissues. As a result, they can sense every touch and any damage will cause pain. 

Turtles can’t move their backbone

Contrary to many other animals, turtles are unable to move their backbones. Their spine is fused with the bones of the shells. As a result, it is impossible for them to bend like other vertebrates. Luckily for them, they possess a “regular” backbone in their tail and neck. Therefore, they can freely bend these parts of their body anywhere they want.

Not all turtles use shells as a protection

Although most of these reptiles can hide their head, tail, as well as extremities inside the shell, that is not the case for all the turtles. As a result, they need to find another way of defending themselves. In the case of snapping turtles, this species decided that the best way to defend is to attack. Therefore, they are characterized by pretty aggressive behavior. 

Some turtles do not have their spine fused to a carapace

Leatherback sea turtles, which have soft shells, do not have their spine fused to that. Instead of that, their spine is covered with a number of tiny, little bones and a skin. 

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