Do turtles need a heat lamp?

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals and, as such, they do not have the ability to regulate their internal body temperature. As a result, they need to use a number of different sources to heat themselves up if there is such a need. Since turtles are reptiles, the same thing concerns them. Usually, turtles in the wild can go on the rock and back in the sun, providing themselves with the right amount of heat to stay healthy.

As far as pet turtles are concerned, they are unable to use sunlight as efficiently as in the wilderness. Therefore, they need another source of warmth. And this is where the heat lamp comes in. Every pet turtle we purchase needs to have a heat lamp in order to stay healthy and, therefore, be alive for as long as it is possible. However, there are quite a lot of different things that have to be taken under consideration. 

And it includes the differences in desired temperature of selected turtle species, the power of a heat lamp, as well as many other minor details that are connected to its use. In this article, I will briefly present my own experience and knowledge I gathered for the last 26 years as a turtle owner to guide you through this important, yet quite often neglected issue. 

Heat lamp takes care of two things – light and temperature

Keeping your pet turtle indoors requires a steady source of light and heat. That is why purchasing a heat lamp that will be able to provide warmth to your reptiles is of utmost importance. However, we need to remember that besides heat, the light plays quite a crucial role just as well.

If we are to neglect this issue, our pet will most likely struggle with many different health issues. First of all, the inability to provide the right day and night cycle will confuse the pet and make it agitated. What is more, it will have its sleeping schedule disrupted. Let’s also not forget about the fact that inappropriate temperature is very dangerous. 

It can quickly result in catching a cold by our turtles. And this inconspicuous ailment can prove fatal for turtles mainly due to the consequences that very often come up – namely a respiratory infection. And this is just a beginning of numerous other problems that can be induced by inappropriate taking care of a turtle. That is why we should be well aware of the type of light turtles need and the right temperature to keep them healthy.

What kind of light do turtles need?

Obviously, your goal is to mimic the lights turtles would get while being in the wild. It means that you have to equip yourself with a UV lamp. This source of light is capable of providing us with both UVA and UVB rays. The first one is simply the Ultraviolet A, and the second one is the Ultraviolet B. I am not going to talk about science about these UV rays, but it is possible to distinguish them by their wavelength. 

Both UV rays are of utmost importance for turtles. However, they are responsible for different benefits. For example, UVA light guarantees warmth and the comfort that sunlight is giving us. Thanks to those rays, your turtle will be able to maintain the correct body temperature. Besides that, it also helps in keeping their metabolism regulated. Besides that, UVA light is also great at supporting their immune system.

UVB light, on the other hand, serves as a “generator” of vitamin D3. Those rays help turtles produce this vitamin. And as you all probably know, it has a significant impact on turtles’ metabolism and the possibility to digest calcium. Calcium, on the other hand, is of the highest significance for turtle’s shells and bones. As a result of that, UVB light needs to be provided in the right amounts just to keep your pet safe from metabolic bone diseases that are extremely painful and quite often occur to be fatal.

UVB light is also quite often used to improve food digestion. So, to avoid any troubles with malnutrition, we should offer the appropriate amount of UVB to our turtles.

What is the appropriate temperature for your turtle?

Up until now I explained why it is so crucial to offer your turtle a heat lamp. But do you know what is the exact temperature you should choose for your turtle? Well, the answer is not as straightforward as some of you may think. You see, different species of turtles require different temperatures. Furthermore, younger turtles, the juvenile ones, need slightly higher basking temperatures and, therefore, we have to take that into consideration while setting the right environment for our pets.

As a result, there can be a huge discrepancy between one species and another. However, in most cases we should be looking at keeping the temperature between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It roughly translates into 26 to 37 degrees Celsius. Needless to say that the exact recommended temperatures will vary. And that is why I strongly recommend looking at the particular species to make sure that you make the right decision.

The ranges presented up above concern the air temperature. However, water should have slightly smaller temperature mainly because you want to ensure your pet turtle has the possibility to control his body temperature. So, the air should be warmer, so he can bask to gain some heat, and water should be cooler in the event it needs some cooling. That is why water temperature should be at the level of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which is approximately 24 degrees Celsius. 

Do turtles need a heat lamp

Can your turtle stay alive without a heat lamp?

No, your turtle will not survive without a heat lamp. And that is something every turtle owner and every veterinarian will tell you. Obviously, you can keep your turtle without such a heat and light source. However, in the next several weeks or even days, your turtle will start feeling bad. It will most likely catch a cold, which will result in respiratory issues. And this is going to eventually lead to premature death of your turtle.

Obviously, you can look at some alternatives to heating lamps like, for example. mercury vapor bulbs or heat pads. The first option is not that bad, because it helps you save up quite a lot of space. However, they cost the same and there is a small likelihood that such a bulb will explode. Even if it is a very small chance, it is still there. The second option, which is bad for turtles, is heat pads. This is quite often used for many other reptiles like, for example, snakes or lizards. However, the way heat pads provide you with warmth is not beneficial for turtles. 

Heat lamp is, therefore, the best option you could choose to provide your pet with two incredibly important elements for survival, namely temperature and light. Keep in mind that even if they are mandatory, heat lamps should not work 24/7. If you were to keep them all the time, the temperature would surely rise higher than it should. What is more, depriving turtles of their day and night cycle is incredibly bad. That is why make sure that it is on only for 10-12 hours a day.

Here is how you determine the right wattage for a heat lamp for your turtle

Another important thing to consider is the power of the heat lamp. Sometimes we have to choose more powerful options, and sometimes we will be good with much smaller wattage. It is all dependent on the species of turtle and the temperature it needs, the size of the tank, as well as the distance from the tank roof to the ground. Sadly, giving you a magic number that will occur ideal in every situation is not possible. It is all due to the fact that producers tend to change particular parameters of their devices. 

Therefore, you should take into consideration the age of your turtle, its size, as well as the size of the tank. Usually, 50-100 watts is an appropriate range to pick from. Obviously, smaller tanks will require 50-watt heat lamps. However, if the volume of our turtle container is higher than 100 gallons, then you better look for a 100-watt heat lamp. 

Now you know whether turtles need a heat lamp and the role it plays 

Turtles do need a heat lamp to stay alive and to stay healthy. It goes without saying that neglecting that issue will surely lead to a number of problems that may occur to be fatal in terms of health and life of your turtle. That is why we should always remember to turn the heat lamp on for 10-12 hours a day. Do not over do it by leaving it for the night, since just like humans, turtles need their day and night cycle. Moreover, keep in mind that both temperature of air and water is of utmost importance, and keeping the right degree range makes your turtle as healthy as possible. 

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