Do turtles need water survive?

Water, just like in the case of many other animals and even human beings, is crucial for survival. Thanks to access to fresh, running water, it is possible for us to stay hydrated and do not worry about a number of diseases that appear after some time in stagnant water. Turtles, being semi aquatic or even aquatic animals, obviously need water to stay alive. It plays a crucial role in multiple situations and, as a result, leaving your turtle without access to water or at least without access to very humid conditions will most definitely lead to its premature death.

However, how exactly do turtles use water? Why is this element so important for them? There are several reasons why most turtles (namely aquatic and semi-aquatic species) cannot survive without water. And as a result, we have to take care of that issue. But it means that besides filling up the water, we need to know the amounts, the type of water that needs to be poured to the tank, as well as many other details. Since I was in the same place as you are now, I decided to share my 10-year experience and knowledge about having a turtle as a pet. 

Why is water so crucial for turtles?

For a lot of people turtles are great pets because they do not need to be taken for a walk multiple times a day. What is more, we don’t have to clean its litter box, since turtles can poop into the water they swim in. Nonetheless, if you think that having a turtle will be a piece of cake, then you are most definitely wrong. For starters, you need to remember about water and its importance. And there are quite a lot of reasons why turtles have to have access to water that is relatively clean all the time.

They need it to eat

Contrary to humans, most turtle species do not produce saliva. It means that when they eat, water helps them swallow their meal. Obviously, it is possible for turtles to eat without water being around. However, it makes eating and swallowing much more difficult. Hence, it is not recommended giving your turtle a snack without access to water.

They need it to regulate their temperature

Being a cold-blooded animal, turtles need to use their environment to regulate the temperature of their body. It means that in the event they feel cold, they go outside, lay down on the stone, and bask in the sun. However, if they feel like it’s too hot, they simply hide in a humid area or, better, they go back to the water. In that way they can cool off. Obviously, keeping too cold water will sooner or later lead to illnesses and this is something we do not want to see.

They need it to hydrate

Obviously, water is also used for turtles to hydrate. Interestingly, rarely it happens that we see turtles drink. The reason why is because in most cases they just sip in while being in the water. However, in other cases these reptiles do not have to drink water because they take care of hydration in many other ways. The most important ones are by simply absorbing water from humid places or eating food that is rich in water. 

Do turtles need water survive

What is the approximate time turtles can stay out of water? 

To be honest, it all depends on the species and the type of turtle we are talking about. For example, red-eared slider turtles can stay out of water for weeks. Obviously, this will not be healthy and such a situation needs to be preceded by an appropriate preparation of the environment like, for example, making sure that the soil is humid, the temperature is low, and there are a lot of places they can hide and stay away from the sun. In most other cases it is not recommended to take your turtles from water for longer than several hours. 

It is still important for you to know that there are many factors that influence the final time that your turtle can survive without water. For example, baby turtles need much more water and food, and as a result they will be okay without water for only an hour or two. Besides age, there are also some other things that influence that like, for example:

  • Turtle species;
  • Turtle brumation (hibernation;
  • Weather conditions (temperature and humidity of the tank).

Obviously, the exact time turtles can survive without water has not been tested thoroughly mainly because no one would ever want to put their pet turtle through such a horrifying experience. 

How much water does your turtle need? 

The short answer is the same as before – it depends on a species. Sadly, as it is in the case of many other things, this answer can also be much more advanced and in-depth than just yes or no. For example, there are species that will require much more water than the others. As a result, you can’t think of the minimum requirements that I am going to provide you with as the exact values for all the turtles around the world.

Still, it is said that you should be giving your turtles 40 liters of water for every 3 centimeters of their shell. In other measures, it is 10 gallons of water per 1 inch of their shell. Remember to measure the length of the shell from top to bottom. So, if your turtle can grow up to 10 inches, you should remember to prepare at least 100 gallons of water. 

What kind of water do your turtles need?

Tap water is most often used as a way to quickly pour a lot of water into a tank. And in most cases, such a solution is acceptable. However, we need to remember that it is not ideal because of several reasons. First of all, tap water (How to make tap water safe for turtles?) is usually at the pH level of 8.0. It is the maximum for turtles (their acceptable pH ranges from 6.5 to 8). What is more, we have to remember about a large number of various minerals like, for example, chlorine. Keep in mind that it is possible to get rid of chlorine by simply letting it sit for 24-48 hours.

However, there are some other elements that will not dissipate in such an easy manner. Still, there are plenty of water conditioners for turtles as well as filters that keep the tank water clean and free from dangerous additions. That is why tap water, if treated correctly, is acceptable.

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