Turtle sticking neck out

Turtle sticking neck out? Here is why!

Sometimes the behavior of our turtles may astonish us. Contrary to “classic” pets that people like to keep – namely dogs and cats – turtles usually surprise us with behaviors that we have not seen before at any animal. They may headbutt both the opponents as well as potential mating partners, they can lay eggs and then eat it, or they can stick their neck, which is quite weird behavior since most of the time they keep it close to the shell. 

But what does sticking out really mean? How to figure out whether such a behavior is safe for the turtles and that it is not the symptom of serious illnesses? Well, I have received quite a lot of questions as far as the turtles themselves are concerned. Some of them regarded this behavior. At first, I was quite surprised that my own turtle began to do that. However, with time and with articles I read, I realized that this is a completely normal phenomenon! 

To make sure that you understand this behavior, I decided to prepare a short explanation, where I tackle the issue and show you all the reasons why your turtle may be sticking its neck out. Besides that, I will also talk about some situations where besides sticking out the neck, turtles also open their mouths. So, without any further ado, let’s delve into the text and see what exactly is going on with the turtles.

Do you know why your turtle is sticking its neck out? Here are the most common reasons:


The first reason, quite an important one, is to breathe. You see, semi-aquatic turtles have to breathe in air in order to get some oxygen. They do not extract oxygen from water like purely aquatic animals like, for example, fish. Therefore, sticking their neck out will definitely help them get some air in a much more comfortable way. 


In some cases turtles may have to reach further to catch some food. Besides that, bear in mind that after a while the reptile will associate you with the food source. As a result, every time you enter the room it will open its mouth, stick the neck out, and wait for the food to come.

Obviously, it doesn’t mean that your turtle is necessarily angry. These reptiles usually ask for food anytime they want. It means that if you throw some veggies (did you know that corn is suitable for turtles?)and meat in the tank, it will probably eat it. Sadly, doing so every time the turtle sticks its neck out is a bad thing to do. You see, obesity is a real problem in the world of turtles that are kept in captivity. Therefore, we should not resort to a situation in which we submit to the pet’s request.

Environment observation Despite the fact that turtles are fearful animals, they are at the same time very curious. These creatures love exploration and the moment they find a tank exit or a place to stick its head, they will most definitely do it. There are even situations where reptiles will climb the tank and try to escape it.

Sticking the neck out is also one of the signs that show your turtle is observing the environment around it. In most cases they do that on land because they do not feel as safe as in the water. Being on land, they are more vulnerable to predator attacks. As a result of that, they will stretch their neck and see what exactly is going on in their closer habitat.

Sun basking

Sometimes, when the turtle does not have an appropriate basking spot, it will try to bask while floating on the water. In such a situation, it will stretch the neck out and get as much UVB lights and warmth as it is possible. However, it happens quite rarely, so we should not take this issue as the main reason for sticking its neck out. 


The temperature in the local environment you created should be ideal. If it’s not, your turtle may feel uncomfortable and, in this situation, trying to stick the neck out might be the only solution it knows to battle the unfavorable conditions. Therefore, we should take a closer look at the water heater or heat lamp. Check if they maintain the appropriate temperature. 

Sometimes stretching out its neck might be a sign of a respiratory infection. However, it should come with many different symptoms, so if we don’t see any disturbing symptoms like, for example, lethargy, no appetite, or excess mucus from their mouth, eyes, or nose, then the turtle is good. 

Why do turtles stick their necks out

Why does a turtle open its mouth while sticking its neck out?

As I mentioned earlier on, sometimes turtles open their mouths and then stretch their necks. They can do this while being on land, in the water, or even underwater. It is definitely concerning when they open their mouths below the surface of water, because at first it looks like they are drowning. Nonetheless, they do that quite often, mainly due to the fact they consider you a food source. And, the moment they see you, they will automatically give you a sign to feed them.

Obviously, we have to remember that feeding turtles should not be dictated by their behavior. Always remember to stick to the feeding plan that you come up with. In that way, you don’t risk obesity and serious diseases that are connected to it. What is more, it allows you to keep the regularity in a turtle’s life. As a result of that, it keeps the frequency of sun basking, the time it spends in water, and generally it regulates their everyday life splendidly. 

Is sticking the neck out is a normal behavior for my turtle?

Since turtles do that in order to get to know the world and to enjoy sun basking even more, you should not be afraid of such a behavior. Truth to be told, it is quite a common thing among turtles – both the ones that are kept in captivity and the ones in the wilderness. Obviously, the reasons might be slightly different, since a pet turtle is not going to stretch its neck to look around for possible threats. 

Nevertheless, we have to remember that on some rather rare occasions sticking the neck might not be the symptom of respiratory problems. However, if this happens, then you can be sure that there will be an abundance of other symptoms that will be much more serious than simply stretching the neck out. 

Now you know if a turtle sticking its neck out is a normal behavior!

It is obvious to state that the reasons for such an activity are diverse. Some turtles do that because they want to get to know the world that surrounds them, some others just want to enjoy sun basking even more. Turtles that are not kept in tanks usually do that to look for potential threats around. Obviously, it can also be the sign of respiratory issues, yet it is not as common as other reasons that I provided above.

However, in most situations a turtle that is sticking its neck out of a shell is a completely normal phenomenon that should not be considered as dangerous to the reptile’s life. Therefore, we don’t have to be afraid of that and look for some methods that will help us stop it. 

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