Why do turtles dig holes?

Turtles are the type of animals that surprise us with different habits and behaviors. They tend to ram each other and headbutt others just to show their interest or to show their dominance. Besides that, they love to explore and in spite of being rather fearful animals, they love wandering around and looking for places they haven’t seen before. One of the other weird habits they have is that they love to dig holes. Usually, they do that because of the time period, namely they dig holes due to hibernation. 

However, there is a lot to add as far as digging holes is concerned and today I would like to talk about that a little more. Because not everyone realizes, but not every reason for these creatures to dig holes is safe for them. Sometimes it can cause a serious problem – not digging itself, but the reason behind it. So, it’s best to fully understand the reasoning why your turtle may be digging holes.

But before I do that, I would like to show you all the knowledge I gathered throughout the last several years as a turtle owner. I know it’s not much when compared to veterans who had turtles for decades, but since I am taking care of several turtles at the same time, I was able to witness a lot of different things and behaviors most people do not usually see. The article will, then, let you know about the most common reasons for the turtle to dig holes. Besides that, I will talk about turtles’ capabilities of digging holes as well. 

The main reason for turtles to dig holes is to prepare themselves for hibernation

In the world of turtles, this process is better known as brumation, Wild turtles often dig holes and burrow themselves down there. In that way, they are capable of protecting from the winter, but not only that. Thanks to the way their body works, they are capable of staying there for quite a long time. It is all due to the characteristics of the brumation. You see, during that period, their metabolistic processes drastically drop down and, as a result of that, the body temperature also drops down. 

Interestingly, different species decide to dig holes in different places. For example, aquatic turtles will look for puddles and muds and dig there. In such a state, they can withstand up to 12-14 weeks. To make sure that your turtle is digging a hole for brumation purposes, you should see it trying to cover up the body. Such a phenomenon will happen during late autumn or early winter. 

Another popular reason for your turtle to dig holes is because of layings eggs

If you have a female, then probably the reason for digging a hole in the tank is because it is pregnant. An important fact to remember is that even if you do not have two turtles (preferably a male and a female), it is still possible for a female to lay eggs. The only difference is that they will not be fertilized. 

Usually, sea turtles that you find in the wild go ashore and dig holes to prepare a place for laying eggs. Since small eggs are incredibly easy to take away, the reptiles are trying their best to hide it. Digging holes and hiding their eggs is a solution they came up with. Interestingly, there is a rather simple way to figure out whether the hole is being prepared for eggs or for any other reason. Usually, they use different diggin styles for preparing a nest. If you see they use hind legs and they go back into the hole, then you are dealing with a pregnant turtle. In other situations, they would use forelegs and make forward movements. 

Why do turtles dig holes with their back legs

What are other reasons for a turtle to dig holes?

The two causes for turtles to behave in such a manner are the most popular ones and usually, this is the reason why turtles dig holes. Nevertheless, it is far from over as far as reasons behind this behavior is concerned. 

Your turtle may feel stressed 

If a turtle aquarium is located in a place where a lot of people pass by or simply it is located in the room with many different people around, then there is a high likelihood that your turtle will try to dig a hole in order to provide itself with some safety. Stressful situations are quite a serious problem for pet turtles. These are, usually, solitary animals and do not need the company of others. 

As a result, constant noise that is mostly not understandable for these animals and the fact that a lot is going on around the tank mean that your turtle may need to find a shelter. And as it happens in the wild, they look for shelter underneath the ground. It is much easier to defend themselves if the only thing that is sticking out is a shell that is incredibly hard and resistant to the damage inflicted by most natural predators. 

Comfort mechanism may also be induced by other turtles. As I said earlier, they are not so good at making friends. Sooner or later turtles will start fighting for dominance in the tank. Especially, if the habitat you prepared for them is not as large as it should be and they cross paths quite often. In such a situation, you can be certain of constant clashes. The weaker turtle will try to hide underneath the surface to keep itself safe.

Your turtle might be bored

Not everyone realizes but turtles are reptiles that can get bored quite easily and quite fast. As a result, not providing an interesting enough stimulus will make them look for other things to do and that will include diggin holes. Obviously, you are not going to find out whether boredom is the reason for your turtle to keep digging holes. You can; however, fix other problems and then see if the behavior remains the same.

The last thing to remember is that turtles dig holes because they look for… stones!

This is the one that is quite dangerous. Sometimes turtles may dig holes in search for stones they can eat. Eating rocks is known as geophagy and it is quite common among many reptiles, including lizards, crocodiles, and also turtles. Still, there are some differences as to why turtles want to eat rocks. However, some people believe it is because of the animals the rocks have. If your turtle eats very small stones, there may be no problem whatsoever with it. However, bigger ones can be fatal due to the fact the turtle can choke with them or they can block the intestine.

Now you know why turtles dig holes! 

The only real threat as far as this behavior is concerned is if your turtle likes to eat rocks it digs out. We should examine the process more thoroughly if that’s the case, make sure it has all the nutrients it needs for proper development of the body. Besides that, turtles may dig holes because of stress they feel or because of boredom. Still, the most popular reasons for such a phenomenon is because they want to lay eggs in a safe environment or due to the brumation. 

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