Why do turtles have tails?

If you want to have a turtle, certainly you may have a lot of questions connected with it. You may ask about some general information of having one but also you would like to know more details about turtles themselves. Turtles are reported to have one of the most fascinating anatomies as far as all the animals are concerned.

They are famous for their hard skeleton and strong shells. But if you have ever wondered if turtles have tails, the answer is yes, they do have tails. Although there is a wide range of various turtle species, about 360 of them have tails. This part of the turtle’s body plays a vital role. 

So, right now let’s dive into the world of turtles and let’s find out how turtles use their tails and what happens when they lose them. Moreover, you may be eager to know the exceptional turtles which lack tails. In the article I will provide you with answers to these and more questions.

How do turtles use their tails?

Turtles use their tails for a number of crucial reasons. The most significant are the following:

  • Reproduction in male turtles – male turtle’s tail houses the reproductive organs. At the base of its tail there is the penis of a turtle. If the organ was hidden in the turtle’s shell, the male couldn’t take part in the mating process. Considering the fact that the reproductive organs cannot be inside the turtle’s body, they are protected by the tail itself.
  • Reproduction in female turtles – female turtle’s cloaca is a very delicate organ in its entire body. It has many important functions, such as pushing out the eggs, releasing waste and even breathing during hibernation. That’s why, it has to be protected well. For this reason, the role of the turtle’s tail is to protect the cloaca by covering up the vent.
  • Navigation – turtle’s tail is also helpful when it comes to navigating rough terrains. Moreover, it helps these animals to reach unusual spots when they are looking for food or sunlight. Therefore, it’s appropriate to say that tails maintain balance and stabilize turtles’ movement.
  • Covering the eggs up – sea turtles are known to come to the shore to lay eggs. Then, they have to dig the chambers and put their eggs into them in order to save them from predators of any kind. These turtles use their tails to level the ground to cover the eggs up.

What happens when turtles lose their tails? 

Of course, there are many situations in which a turtle’s tail may get injured. Then, you can wonder if it ever grows back. Lizards are known to regrow their lost tails, however, it’s not that simple when it comes to turtles themselves. Well, unfortunately, turtles aren’t capable of regaining their tails once they’ve been injured.

When a turtle’s tail is completely damaged, there may be a lot of consequences. As far as female turtles are concerned, when the cloaca is injured, turtles may not be capable of passing urine or feces and, as a result, they may die because of all the toxic waste building up in their bodies. When it comes to male turtles, due to their lost tails, they won’t be able to mate and reproduce.

Nevertheless, it is possible to heal an injured or wounded tail with some proper care as well as medication. Even though the cut off tail will never come back to its original size, its wounds can heal up. All the scar tissues will be fainter with time and become less and less noticeable. The whole process of healing may take a few weeks and even a year. After this time, all the tail’s functions will be fully restored.

Bear in mind that if your turtle’s injury is terrible, you need to visit the professional vet as fast as possible. But when it comes to a minor mishap, you are allowed to try to heal the wound at home. You have to be careful so as not to hurt your pet as its wound may be raw and sore.

Why do turtles have tails

Almost every turtle has a tail, but there are some exceptions

Some turtles may lose their tails in some kind of an accident or a skirmish with a predator. Some of them lose tails during the mating season and some of them can mistake tails for food. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for why some turtles don’t have these body elements.

However, there are some species, such as box turtles, which have almost invisible tails. Despite the fact that male box turtles possess thicker and longer tails than female turtles, they are still relatively small. It makes the females’ tails impossible to notice.

What’s more, some turtles do not have tails until they achieve sexual maturity. That’s why you have to wait at least 6-7 years of your turtle’s life to be able to see the tail. When your pet becomes an adult, it will soon grow a visible full-length tail. 

The longest tails award goes too… snapping turtles!

Snapping turtles are reported to have the most extended tails. They are marked by yellowish and jagged seats. The male turtles own longer bottoms than the female ones. An average length of such a tail equals about 11 inches. It makes these animals able to reach their tails themselves which differentiates them from any other species.

As mentioned before, the males need tails to protect their reproductive organs. Since snapping turtles possess longer penises, they need longer tails to protect them. As far as the females are concerned, they have such long tails because they help them to move around their natural habitat. Snapping turtles are known to live around shallows ponds and streams. Very often they have to reach some tougher spots to find the best place for basking. Sometimes they are in need to hunt for prey. Longer tails help them to balance themselves properly and don’t let them fall down while climbing.

Now you know why turtles have tails

I hope that I’ve provided you with some sufficient information concerning turtles’ tails. It’s important to know how these animals function with tails, what purpose they use them for as well as what happens when they lose them. Having read my article, you can be sure how to take care of your turtle’s tail when it comes to wounds and injuries.

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